How to Go to Hung Yen from Halong Bay?

How to Go to Hung Yen from Halong Bay?
You can get from Halong Bay to Hung Yen by the many transports, which includes motorbike, coach, shuttle bus, private car, train , it is fairly easy to reach Hung Yen by this transports. If you're in Halong Bay and trying to make your way to Hung Yen, this article has some essential information that is sure to make your travels easier.


Vietnam - 10 Days. Departure every Monday from Hanoi


At the end of the Halong Bay cruise 2 days 1 night or 3 days 2 nights, you must leave Ha Long to back your daily life or continue new trips to Hung Yen or across the country. Just like the diversity of its landscapes, Vietnam offers a variety of ways to get around. You may favour windswept motorbike rides or take the overland routes of trains and buses, soaking in the sights along the way. Click here for the list of Halong Bay tours, all Halong Bay cruises include a shuttle or car transfer Hanoi to Halong Bay and return as part of the price. Here are 5 main transports which you can get from Halong to Hung Yen.
1. By Motor Bike
Many adventurers backpacking Vietnam choose to explore the country by motorbike. With a motorbike, you have a lot more freedom and will see a side of the country that is completely inaccessible if you are travelling by bus or train. Best of all, motorbiking Vietnam can work out pretty damn cheap as you can simply sell your used motorbike to another backpacker at the end of your trip.
2. By Bus
Most backpackers choose to explore Vietnam via bus network. Buses in Vietnam are cheap, plenty are hop-on/hop-off style tickets, and they have ever increasing presence of Air Con.
3. By Taxi
An increasingly common sight in the cities, it is not hard to find a ride. Just be sure to use a metered taxi or haggle and agree on the price before you get in. Be firm with directions and destination whilst using taxi within Vietnam.
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